You place the “Holosan Clip” around your neck and activate the application using the program on your smartphone, laptop or computer. The corresponding frequencies are transmitted via the Holosan Clip. Make sure the Holosan Clip is connected to the cell phone/computer/laptop. While you play the applications, you can lie or sit, whichever is most comfortable for you. With your therapist you have a contact person who you can contact directly.
How does the digital application work?
The effect is approximately 80%; The application is therefore also cheaper. It can be increased by repeated use. The advantage of the digital application is that you can play it at home or on the go, saving time.
Is bioresonance on demand as effective as a session with a therapist?
That depends on the program. Many people notice an effect after just 15 minutes of use, others after the first two sessions. Sometimes multiple applications are necessary. To do this, contact your Holosan practitioner.
When should I feel an effect? How many sessions are usually necessary?
30 minutes
How long takes a session?
This depends on the application program. For most we recommend a week or at least a day or two apart. In individual cases there are several
Meetings possible daily. You can find the frequency recommendations in the respective detailed information for the programs.
What intervals should I keep between sessions?
This is basically possible anywhere - whether on the train, at home on the couch or in bed. Just make sure that you are not disturbed and do not interrupt the session.
Where can I play the digital application?
A possible side effect of some programs is slight and short-term tiredness.
Can there be side effects?
Naturally. If you have any questions, contact your Holosan practitioner.
Do I have a contact person if I have questions?
In our application overview you will find all programs that are currently available digitally.
For which indications is the digital application suitable?
You need the Holosan clip, which you can order here and receive by post. Connect it to the audio output of your smartphone using the included cable,
Connect your laptop or computer and start the app and follow the instructions - and off you go.
What do I need to play the application
The Holosan method is a further developed form of bioresonance. It was developed by two practitioners, is based on over 20 years of experience and is technically advanced
latest state of affairs.
What distinguishes the Holosan method from others